Neurodiversity Week, March 17th -25th

We celebrate differences in thinking and learning at Cathedral Schools Trust. The trust focus on EEF 5-a-day has certainly enriched learning for students with SEND in classrooms across the trust.

Our SENDCos and inclusion colleagues are promoting neurodiversity through assemblies, parent coffee mornings, tutor group activities & more. 

In our primary schools: KS2 students will watch the Embrace the Brainbow video together. This video aims to spark a conversation about moving beyond narrow definitions of ‘normal’ and embracing the full spectrum of human diversity. Through this, we hope to encourage understanding and appreciation for the many different ways people experience the world.

In our secondary schools: Staff members are nominating students for awards to celebrate pupils who have shown exceptional performance, dedication, and meaningful contributions. These awards can recognise and honour the unique strengths and achievements of neurodiverse students.