Initial Teacher Training (ITT)

CST schools currently work in partnership with local universities to provide Initial Teacher Training (ITT). For 2024-25 ITT recruitment, we will continue to work with the following universities:

Student teachers are recruited by CST in partnership with our University colleagues. A significant number of our student teachers go on to their first post in the teaching profession in one of the Trust's schools. In previous academic years, one in three of our student teachers took up their first posts in teaching with CST.


New Initial Teacher Training (ITT) courses for Music 

CST is joining forces with Bristol Beacon, Cabot Learning Federation and the Five Counties SCITT in a groundbreaking partnership to deliver two Initial Teacher Training courses. Starting in September 2025, these courses train primary teachers with a specialism in music and specialist music teachers for secondary education. If you are a talented musician with a passion for teaching, and a desire to shape the future and help children discover the joy of music, we want you to be part of this journey. A summary of the courses and how to apply is available on the Bristol Beacon website

How to apply for a School Direct place with Cathedral Schools Trust

All ITT applications are made through the DfE Apply for Teacher Training service.

To find out more about ITT, visit Get Into Teaching

We encourage undergraduates and graduates who are interested in a career in teaching to apply to us for an initial discussion about routes into ITT. For an initial discussion, please contact

Applications are particularly welcome from those who would like to teach secondary phase subjects such as mathematics, physics, computer science and modern foreign languages.

Funding for initial teacher training 

Further information on funding for ITT is available here. Graduates applying to train as teachers in high-demand subjects can apply for a range of bursaries, details of which can be found by following the link above.

What do our trainees say?

"Staff across the school were really welcoming and made us feel part of the community."

"The induction at the start was very clear and helpful."

"I had a really strong mentor and department who supported me throughout my placement."

"Having a good space to work and congregate was really helpful. Sharing this with experienced staff was also really positive as they were always willing to share their experience and answer any questions we had."

"Lots of opportunities to observe lessons outside our specialism."